Stuart White: “A movement is not just a network of people sharing ideas”

Stuart White used to be skeptical about basic income. In this interview, he explains why he changed his mind.
» Read morePolicy entrepreneur
Stuart White used to be skeptical about basic income. In this interview, he explains why he changed his mind.
» Read moreAn interview with Evelyn Forget, one of the few researcher who have studied the sociological impact of a guaranteed income experiment in Canada.
» Read moreWith the success of the federal initiative for unconditional basic income, Switzerland may increase the global awareness on the idea of a basic income for all.
» Read moreWith the launch of the european citizen’s initiative for unconditional basic income, the time has come for basic income supporters to take action for the one of the biggest battle of History: the battle for Human Rights, Dignity, Democracy, the Commons… All at once reunited in the demand for a basic income. I first heard […]
» Read moreMonths of efforts were rewarded last week : you can now officially sign the european citizens initiative for unconditional basic income. This initiative is a project I have been coordinating for one year with people from 15 countries. Our goal is to have the EU commission make a case for a basic income in Europe. For that matter we need
» Read more“There is no such a thing as a free lunch” often claim prominent mainstream economist. Well, the opposite theory – which justify unorthodox policies such as the unconditional basic income, finally gets some reckoning.
» Read moreSo the greek central bank just announced the cost of the greek bank recapitalization : 27.5bn euros just for the 4 biggest banks, 40 bn overall. That could even top at 50bn, the Bank of Greece admits. This represents about 20% of Greece’s GDP. What a scam, isn’t it? Well, this is actually awesome: just by doing this, bankers are providing the
» Read moreBeyond the fight for better labor rights, Trade Unions must widen their vision, work on tackling mass-unemployment by defending the unemployed as long as the workers.
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