European banks lifeline round up – march 2012
As the crisis deepens, europeans banks are increasingly relying on central banks. What does it mean for the real economy?
» Read morePolicy entrepreneur
As the crisis deepens, europeans banks are increasingly relying on central banks. What does it mean for the real economy?
» Read moreThe last balance sheet released by the Central bank of Cyprus confirms that the cypriot banking sector is under emergency liquidity assistance injection.
» Read moreThe spanish governement is announcing a bailout plan for its private banks that could end up in injecting up to 10 bn of capital in Bankia. Of course, Spanish people are not very happy about that. On twitter, the hashtag #hagamoscomoIslandia (let’s do as Iceland did) is currently trending. But can Spain really do as Iceland did ?
» Read moreThe European Central Bank is suspected of providing emergency liquidity assistance Spanish banks. However, there intriguing evidences that Cyprus banks are primarily benefiting from this discrete liquidity support.
» Read moreIn a recent speech on the air of the radio Europe 1, the socialist candidate François Hollande advocated for statuses reforms of the ECB in order to allow Frankfort to “lend directly” to the eurozone States. His move contradicts what he said in the past.
» Read moreOn Thursday, the Irish government announced that it reached a deal about the promissory notes issue, that forces Ireland to pay 3,06 bn euros on march 31st. But this deal actually does not defer any payment neither relieves Ireland from its heavy debt burden. In France, the only newspaper that reported about this information was Les Echos. But their paper is such a misleading
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